Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24 is Poem in Your Pocket Day!

Carry around a poem in your pocket and then wear a button or something that invites people to exchange poems with you. Is that not a brilliant idea? Thanks to Mr. Shu for pointing it out and to for coming up with it and having a whole collection of poems to choose from. (Their site's a little slow today: I hope that means tons of people are visiting and choosing poems!

I've got a virtual pocket here on this blog and on my Facebook page. (Check back for more poems throughout the day.) I hope you'll share your poems with me!

The poem in my pocket at this exact moment is from the site (you can print a PDF of it if you want to share it today):

Afternoon on a Hill

I will be the gladdest thing 
   Under the sun! 
I will touch a hundred flowers 
   And not pick one. 

I will look at cliffs and clouds 
   With quiet eyes, 
Watch the wind bow down the grass, 
   And the grass rise. 

And when lights begin to show 
   Up from the town, 
I will mark which must be mine, 
   And then start down! 


  1. I've had the first stanza of an Emily Dickinson poem running through my head all day:

    There's a certain slant of light,
    Winter afternoons—
    That oppresses, like the heft
    Of cathedral tunes—

    I like the way, when you say the lines, the words force you to slow down and feel oppressed and heavy. Not that I'm feeling oppressed or heavy today!

  2. I missed poem in your pocket day! Durn.

    Here's a pocket sized poem from Rumi:

    If you want what visible reality
    can give, you're an employee.
    If you want the unseen world,
    you're not living your truth.
    Both wishes are foolish,
    but you'll be forgiven for forgetting
    that what you really want is
    love's confusing joy.
